
Indeed is the world's leading job site, connecting millions of people to new opportunities daily through its global job matching and hiring platform. Prioritizing job seekers, Indeed offers tools for job search, resume posting, and company research, all powered by AI technology. With over 350 million unique monthly visitors and 3.5 million employers in 60+ countries, Indeed helps people get jobs through a collaborative and inclusive workplace, supported by its parent company, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.


6/6/20241 min read


Why Over 3.5 Million Employers Trust Indeed for Hiring

Indeed is the #1 job site in the world, serving as a global job matching and hiring platform. It stands out by putting job seekers first, offering them the tools to search for jobs, post resumes, research companies, and more. Leveraging AI-powered technology, Indeed is transforming the job matching and hiring process. Every day, millions of people connect to new opportunities through Indeed.


Indeed and its affiliates are directly or indirectly owned by a publicly traded Japanese parent company, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.

Key Statistics
  • 350M+ Unique monthly visitors

  • 3.5M+ Employers use Indeed to hire

  • 60+ Countries

Our People

At Indeed, the mission is to help people get jobs. With over 13,000 global employees passionately pursuing this purpose, Indeed is dedicated to improving the recruitment journey through real stories and data. The company fosters a collaborative workplace, striving to create the best experience for job seekers.

Our Leadership

Indeed’s leadership team is diverse, dedicated, and committed to empowering employees to fulfill the mission of helping people get jobs. By fostering strong partnerships and collaboration, they support job seekers, employers, society, and employees.

Meet our team

Our Commitments

Indeed is committed to making a positive impact on society by connecting people to better work to create better lives. Using the power of its platform and people, and in partnership with organizations that share its values, Indeed aims to bring about a future of work that is equitable and inclusive.

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